Facilities & Capabilities
We accelerate scientific discovery and innovation by leveraging advanced cyber infrastructures that enable fast, accurate exploration of biological and biomedical data.
Our department combines expertise in artificial intelligence, health information management, and computational health data processing to develop innovative, efficient and scalable solutions for health and medical challenges.
Responding to the challenges posed by the life sciences, our group designs studies, systems, algorithms, information systems and implementations that impact on quality of diagnosis, therapy, education and prevention.
Equipment and Resources
- Laboratories
- VM servers: Dedicated virtual servers by IT office for hosting of our artifacts.
- Smart Health Lab: IOT boards and sensors were provided to design and develop smart health projects.
- Health Computing Lab: An analysis server hosting Tensorflow, R Studio, Image processing libraries and Virtual Reality environments was deployed in central server of faculty.
- Health Information Systems Lab: A high performance server was dedicated. Some popular HISs were installed on a networked area to improve student skills.
- Business Intelligence software administrative access (Qlikview, EpiInfo and etc.)
- Multiple commercial Hospital Information Systems.
- Computer Hardware Laboratory.
- Workshop room: it can accommodate around 30 participants and is equipped with computers with internet access, one projector and one projection screen.
Training Opportunities
Our department offers opportunities for trainees from undergraduate students to doctoral associates. Working in our group increases your competence in applied health information technology and medical informatics. Our department conducts supervised research. Students shadow senior colleagues and complete tasks within research projects. You’ll also build your knowledge by participating in weekly group discussions and research presentations. Also, we have successfully secured health informatics roles in healthcare organizations and industry by customized scientific and applied programs.